“Going back to the basis, the phrase ‘Fight Like A Girl’, and we’ve all heard that growing up. And by that, they mean that you’re some kind of a weakling and have no skills as a male. It’s said to little boys when they can’t fight yet, and it ridicules us. By the time we were born, most of us hear things which program you to accept and know that you are less than your male counterpart. It comes apparent in the way you’re paid for your job, it comes apparent when yóu are not allowed to go outside after a certain hour because you stand a good chance of getting raped while no one says that to your boyfriend. While women, anywhere, live in some kind of fear, there is no equality and that is mathematically impossible. We cannot see that change or solved in our lifetimes, but we have to do everything that we can. We should remind ourselves that we are fifty-one per cent. Everyone should know that fighting like a girl is a positive thing and that there is not inherently anything wrong with...