To implement parts of our aims and objectives which includes:- To sensitize and educate the female folks on the need to realise their true being and the potentials embedded in them as a woman. To re-orientate parents on the need to stop female genital mutilation. To draw the attention of the Government and the General public to the need to pay special attention to the Educational, Physical, Psychological and Emotional needs of the Girl Child. A book titled “The Plights Of Our Mothers”, was launched alongside a symposium on the plights of our mothers on the 26th of March 2017.
The book centres on various problems that have been challenging our mothers, especially widows in Africa, starting from their childhood to adulthood and their old age. It is a very robust and interesting discourse on gender issues. Women and politics, culture, then women and the economy, human rights and women’s rights, violence against women and the institutions for redress. The issue of violence against women received much attention. Diverse areas of violence were discussed ranging from rape, wife battery, psychological and emotional trauma due to other domestic violence to adultery and bigamy.
This book is spread over five chapters, the Victim of child labour talks about the challenges being faced by our future mothers in their childhood. The dilemma of a beautiful woman shows what a marriageable lady passes through when making a choice of man. Goddess or doormats briefly explain how women are been treated by their husbands. The widow’s predicament explains some challenges been faced by widows. Social-political segregation shows the levels at which women are placed in our society.
Issues raised in this book are known problems facing our mothers out there but they have received little or no attention,
The following topics were discussed at the Symposium and book launch in March 2017.

“Save The Girl Child “ 
By Dr Mrs Joan Etete 

“Goddess or Doormats” 
By Deaconess Kariola.


The second edition of the annual symposium and book review was observed on Sunday 25th of March 2018 with about 150 persons in attendance, the following topics were discussed,

“Hope for the Girl Child”.  
By Dr Mrs Joan Etete

“The Need for Women to Speak up now”. 
By Mr Victor Adedotun Seyingbo

“A Career Woman and Her Marriage.” 
By Dr Mrs Folashade Adeboyejo


The third edition of the annual symposium and book review was observed on Sunday 27th of May 2019 with over 100 persons in attendance, the following topics were discussed,

"Adverse Effects of Female Genital Mutilation."
By Dr. Mrs. Afolabi Abimbola

"The  of Child Abuse and Violence against women, Legal perspectives."
By  Tolulope Vincent Esq.

The NGO was officially registered on the 6th of November 2019

Ajao Bolarinwa

Email: mothersplights@gmail.com
Facebook: The plights of Our Mothers
Instagram: theplightsofourmothers
Website: thepmf.blogspot.com


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